Denver Therapy for Work Stress

Job, career, work, vocation…

Whatever you call it: work sucks. At least it often does.

We live in a culture where our first question after asking someone’s name is often “What do you do?” Work can dominate our lives. We spend the bulk of our time at work and live for the weekends.

It’s not surprising that we often feel we don’t have time for everything and we’re stretched too thin. Our jobs can make us doubt our abilities and feel like imposters who are about to be exposed as frauds (good times!).

Often, we go into debt to go to undergrad or grad school to get the jobs we now need to pay back our student loans *face palm. It’s honestly kind of bullsh*t. Work is the culprit for a lot of our stress, anxiety and burn out.  

On the other hand, our careers—at their best—can be fulfilling, meaningful and even—dare I say—fun! Not to mention, jobs can introduce us to our work besties—the real reason we show up for work.

I help you:

·       Beat imposter syndrome and feel good about what you do (even if you get a bad review from your boss!)

·       Get closer to that elusive “work/life balance”

·       Challenge our culture’s obsession with productivity

·       Prioritize rest, rejuvenation, and pleasure

·       Reconnect to passion and fulfillment in work

·       Enjoy the rest of your life!